Emploi Oman et stage Oman

Trouver emploi Oman ou un stage Oman sur Stages-Emplois parmi plus de 700.000 offres d'emploi, de stages. Offre de recrutement Oman, emploi , embauche .

Trouver un emploi, un stage Oman

Quelques offres Oman :

Domestic worker - Oman   Partager cette offre sur Facebook
Domestic Worker- Oman Jobplus International Company Limited is an international recruitment agency based in Nairobi-Kenya that is duly licensed by NEA as a local/foreign recruitment agency. We are specialists in providing all categories... - 90 per month - Voir cette offre d'emploi
Date de publication : 15 janvier 2025
Food Services Supervisor   Partager cette offre sur Facebook
Marriott - Muscat
Job Description: POSITION SUMMARY Ensure staff is working together as a team to ensure optimum service and that guest needs are met. Inspect grooming and attire of staff, and rectify any deficiencies. Complete opening and closing duties... - Voir cette offre d'emploi
Date de publication : 6 février 2025
Head Of Sales   Partager cette offre sur Facebook
Develop and implement a comprehensive sales strategy aligned with the company’s goals and mission. Identify target markets, set revenue targets, and create actionable plans to achieve them. train, mentor, and lead a high-performing sales ... - Voir cette offre d'emploi
Date de publication : 6 février 2025

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